Footcare at Cabelo in Limes Road, Tettenhall, Wolverhampton

Find out more by calling or messaging Debbie
01902 560729 or 07522 622733
Electronic pedicures (ePedis) can be relaxing and are particularly suitable for clients with sensitive feet.

ePedi Essential Feet £15 Nails trimmed & filed, hard skin removed, warming foot cream with mini massage ePedi Calluses and Corns £20 Nails trimmed & filed, hard skin removed, calluses and corns treated, warming foot cream with mini massage
Where Footcare meets Wellness in a Warm & Welcoming Setting. ePedi Cracked Heels £30 Nails trimmed & filed, hard skin removed, calluses and corns treated, fissures treated & non-living tissue removed to enable the healing process to begin. Finishes with foot cream, a gentle massage and a paraffin wax wrap in heated bootees.
OPEN SUNDAYS & MONDAYS by appointment only Call/Message/WhatsApp 01902 560729 07522 622733  In our welcoming clinic your foot appointment will never be rushed and you will go home on your happy feet, knowing that you have been well cared for.  If you ever do this to your poor old toes it’s time to have them cut by someone else
Footcare at Cabelo by Debbie at 23 Limes Road  Your feet never have a day off so you need to take care of them

Find us:

23 Limes Road


About us:

In our welcoming clinic your foot
appointment will never be rushed
and you will go home on your
happy feet, knowing that you have
been well cared for.


Where affordable footcare meets wellness


Footcare at Cabelo by Debbie

OPEN SUNDAYS & MONDAYS by appointment only

Your feet never have a day off so you need to take care of them

To make an appointment – Call or message on 07522 622733 or 01902 560729



Footcare Enquiry Form - Message Debbie